Keblam Inc Banner Design_ -_ About Us Image with two cat

"I’ve been a pet owner my entire life since I was young. I have a passion for them and love be fact that they literally become members of the family. " - founder

We believe in a safe world for both cat and cat owners and we are doing our part in making our dream, a reality.

40,000+ people suffer from salmonellosis from scooping and cleaning pet poops in the US every year. Pet poops can also make your house smell weird or bad (depending on whom you ask, haha) and can give you serious health issues. This is a dilemma for cat owners as we can't do without our feline friend.

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Keblam Inc Image Showing A cat in The Automatic Cat Litter Box

That's why our founder put the burden of finding a cat poop scoop-free solution on himself. That's why we created the automatic cat litter box where you don't have to waste valuable time on scooping poops and cleaning the floors.

Keblam was created to connect the pet lovers to products to enhance the relationship between them and their pet. If you're a cat lover looking to simplify your life and enhance your cats' litter box experience, you have to give this automatic litter box a try. It's a purrr-fect solution that will leave you wondering how you ever lived without it!

Exotic ShortHair

Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Keblam Automatic Cat Litter box Desktop image Why Choose Keblam Automatic Cat Litter box Mobile Image


Pregnant Women

With Keblam™ Automatic Cat Litter Box, you won't have to scoop anymore with your condition anymore, your home will be odor-free and safe from harmful bacteria.

Work from home business owners

You feel rushed to go home and address the litter issue after work like you used to as it's now being handled automatically with little to no effort from you so you can spend more quality time with your cat.


The app allows you to schedule cleaning cycles, adjust the duration of the cleaning process, and receive notifications when the litter box needs attention. You can also use it to track your cat's health from your mobile phone so you can monitor your cat while you are away. So you don't have to worry about your pet and focus on enjoying your vacation.

9-5 job employee

With Keblam™ Automatic Cat Litter Box, you will be able to prioritize bonding time after work instead of cleaning the litter box. You don't have to worry about litter being spread across the hardwood floors and keep your house odor-free.

Get In Touch

We at Keblam can be reached via our email address or phone number but for the quickest response you can write us at our "Chat With Us" messaging feature on the bottom right of each page. Response times are slower outside of business hours so please bare with us! Getting all your questions answered and hearing your feedback is very important to us!

You can also use the form below to contact us

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